FRAGEBOGEN: Sam Densmore [English Version]

„Fragebogen“ is a standard interview with 15 questions around music plus a special task. This time it’s the singer Sam Densmore who answers them.

Sam Densmore

First cd: business as usual, men at work

First concert: David Lee Roth / metal church

First childhood memory related to music: Picking out songs from the radio and Church on the piano

Favourite song at the moment: Anything by Tame Impala

A rather embarrassing song you like: Talk dirty to me by poison

Favourite song among your own: Wide Eyed Tripper

Favourite songlyrics: The end of the world as we know it 

Best concert: James addiction 

Worst concert: David Lee Roth

Best concert among your own: On this tour – Cafe Klatsch in Wiesbaden

Vinyl, cd or mp3? Not mp3s – vinyl for sound , cd for portability

Download or stream? Stream

Club concert or festival? Festival

Three songs that really have to be on your mixtape: She said she said – Beatles, Same mistakes – tame impala, Swim and sleep – unknown mortal orchestra

An album you would NOT take with you to a lonely island: U2 – songs of innocence

This is me and Malibu Dreams, my tour side kick!

Sam Densmore


More about Sam Densmore
